Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My First English Blog...

Hallo everybody. I'm a 27 years old italian blogger (this is my italian blog, "Ventinove Settembre", named after the birthday of my favourite political thinker... Ludwig von Mises), and this is my first english blog.

So far, I've been blogging in my own language, but I think I have better practice my english... I mean, I can't wait voyages in foreign counties to keep my english fluent as it... was.

I am a libertarian (or a classical liberal, if you prefer).

My favourite political thinkers are Ludwig von Mises, Murray Newton Rothbard and Bruno Leoni. If I were an economist, I would be an Austrian one, but I am an engineer, with a passion for economic and political thought.

How will this blog look like? I don't know. In my official blog I speak about libertarianism, Austrian economics, national and international politics... that's what I will do here, even though I don't know if I will be able to pay to this blog the same attention I pay to the main one.

Besides, I really don't know anything about international blog aggregators, both generalistic and specifically libertarian...

Anyway, with this post I've homesteaded the blog. Now I just need some inspiration...



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